Monday 31 December 2012

Border Country

Well the Mayans were wrong, or more likely, the way we decided to interpret their stone craving thingies (you can tell I am an expert) was wrong. But then...maybe they started counting at 1 so that means 2013 might be a bit dodgy too...

I don't celebrate New Year in any sort of traditional or non-traditional sense which may be a bit odd for a Scotsman but then if changing a number on an arbitrary counting system (see: Gregorian Calender V's Julian  Calendar - Just where did those 13 days go?) is your thing then go for it Och Aye and all that.

So no matter what we have another year in which to do all those things that we always promised we would. I myself am going to do many things but before I go down boredom lane, there is one thing I really like about this time of the year - the last day / first day border country.

Border country - where one thing becomes another thing and that grey area in between.

There are many ways of saying it - Out with the old and in with the new. Blah blah blah. but it is border country, where many things are possible and change is in the air, if you are willing to work toward it.

I rather think that this is why many 'resolutions' fail, not because they are unworkable or unrealistic, but because the person making the resolution does not realize (or does not want to realize) that it takes more than saying it to make it happen. A change (or resolution) must be worked upon, chased, hemmed in, caught, broken and ridden hard. And why not...

Anyhow, resolutions for me, just a 'What is going to happen'. I'm running the Edinburgh Rock and Roll half Marathon on Sunday 14th April 2013. I'm around 20 Stone - which is at least 5 stone above what I should be.

This blog, as well as being a grump-along, is my record of how it all goes for the next 3 and 1/2 months.


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